♦ PH Sensor electrode is made of internal reference electrode and glass electrode. It is used to measure the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution and display the pH value of the solution.
♦ Connect pH Sensor to any port in SenseDisc.
♦ Connect pH Sensor electrode to pH sensor.
♦ Screw off the cover of pH Sensor electrode.
♦ Rinse the pH Sensor electrode using distilled water.
♦ Dry it using filter paper and immerse it into solution.
♦ Rinse the electrode before every measuring. Do not wipe its glass ball using tissue. Otherwise it may cause damage to the electrode. It is better to clean the electrode using the testing solution.
♦ Keep the glass ball of the pH electrode wet in order to maintain the ion exchange process. It is required to preserve the glass ball in the KCI solution. Check the KCI solution’s volume periodically. If the electrode dries, immerse it into the KCI solution for 2 hours to make it wet.
♦ Do not store and preserve the electrode in the distilled water or the deionized water. Otherwise it may cause the saturated solution on the electrode to move.
♦ Never use the pH electrode in the extreme acid-based or alkaline-based solution or at the extreme temperature.
Typical experiment
Typical experiment
♦ Acid-base neutralization drop
♦ pH value of different brine solution
♦ Acidity of phenol
♦ Mechanism of organism maintaining pH stability
♦ Explore impact of pH value on pectinase activity