+86 25 83202846-8073 brenda.wan@sinoswr.com

Jiangsu SWR Science &Technology Co., Ltd.


About us

JIANGSU SWR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. was founded in 2001, with the education scientific research strength of Nanjing Normal University, we have built the "modern education equipment R&D center, curriculum application center, technical service center", and created a domestic first-class level R&D team. Currently, the center consists of over 50 professional R&D personnel, including 3 doctor and 7 masters. In addition, we also have hired nearly 30 varied discipline professors and the front line teachers, who come from Nanjing Normal University and key middle and primary schools, to be our R&D consultants. It aims to concentrate on researching digital education equipment, developing courses and experiments, exploiting, designing, compiling and publishing related teaching materials, teacher training and so on.

Innovative Laboratory


Primary School

Junior High School

Senior High School


SWR has passed the certification of CE, ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS180001 and other international system. Meanwhile, we have achieved the “Jiangsu Province Private Science-Technology Enterprises”, the “Jiangsu Province Double-soft Enterprise” and other authentication. These honorary titles mean that we have owned standardization, systematization and mature management level. What’s more, SWR has been granted 8 national invention patents, 29 national utility model patents and 40 national software Copyrights.


  • 第76届中国教育装备展燃爆重庆!苏威尔理科创新实验室解决方案重磅发布


    4月26日,由中国教育装备行业协会主办,重庆市教育委员会、重庆市商务委员会承办的第76届中国教育装备展示会在重庆国际博览中心如期举行。近2000家企业参展,其中包括众多国内知名品牌和世界500强企业。展会现场摩肩接踵,场面十分火爆,据统计,展会现场人流量超过20万人次。 作为国内教育装备行业的领军者,江苏苏威尔科技有限公司(简称“苏威尔”)重磅发布“理科创新实验室解决方案”,惊艳亮相本次展会。全新的解决方案受到来自全国各地的教育专家学者和教育装备同行的关注与赞许。 苏威尔亮相第76届教装展 ...   + 更多

  • 苏威尔助力“学科教学变革与实验室建设”主题培训 TESS实验箱备受追捧

    苏威尔助力“学科教学变革与实验室建设”主题培训 TESS实验箱备受追捧

    2019年5月21日,“学科教学变革与实验室建设”主题培训在常州市教科院附属中学隆重开展。这是“学科实验室3.0建设”全国巡演活动的第一站,本次培训活动由常州市教育局主办、常州市教育基本建设与装备管理中心承办。常州市教育装备部门的领导、技术骨干、市中小学校领导、骨干教师等共计400余人参加。 fznor 教育装备行业的领军企业——江苏苏威尔科技有限公司携理科创新实验室解决方案鼎力支持。 教育专家后有为、竺建伟共话“学科教学变革与实验室建设 ...   + 更多



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SMART Datalogger Question&Solution

1. No response from SMART Datalogger. If SMART Datalogger does not respond to any operation, please reset. Reset method: press “up”, “down”  and “right” button simultaneously to restore to factory Settings. 2. The SMART Datalogger cannot be switched on outdoor. Please check the batte ... + 更多

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