♦ Potassium Ion Sensor is used to detect potassium ion in solution. It is able to measure in real time with datalogger and software.
♦ Take out the electrode cover. Rinse the electrode using distilled water. Dry it using filter paper.
♦ Connect electrode to sensor, datalogger and computer.
♦ Open SWR iLab. Potassium Ion Sensor has been calibrated before manufacturing. Immerse the electrode into solution. Collect data when the electrode becomes stable.
♦ When the experiment is completed, rinse the electrode using distilled water immediately. Dry it using filter paper. Cover the electrode and preserve it in bag.
♦ Immerse the electrode completely in the solution to be measured during measuring.
♦ To ensure the accuracy, the demarcation of electrode should be corresponding to temperature, ion strength and stir velocity.
♦ When change the sample to test, rinse the electrode using distilled water first. Dry it using filter paper. Immerse the electrode into next solution. It will prevent cross-contamination.
♦ The pH value of sample should be within 4-9. You should refer to journals as many as possible or use recognized measure method (such as national standard) to make sure proper usage.
♦ High concentration of sodion and ammonium ion will affect the experimental result.
♦ Keep the plug of electrode dry and clean. Try to avoid corrosion and contamination occur on it.
♦ Try to avoid friction and strong vibration occur on electrode during using.
♦ Do not dry the electrode using gauze or tissue. It may damage sensing membrane.
Typical experiment
Typical experiment
♦ Detect concentration of potassium ion in KCl