♦ CO2 Sensor is infrared gas absorption and testing sensor. It has good selectivity, high sensitivity, oxygen free dependent, long service life, low power consumption and no preheating requirement.
♦ CO2 Sensor can be used to detect concentration of CO2. There are ventilation opening on the electrode wall.
♦ Connect sensor to datalogger and computer. Place the electrode into the air to be measured.
♦ Calibrate the sensor periodically which should not be greater than 3 month.
♦ Impact due to temperature and humidity to the sensor is very small. It can be used properly under condition where relative humidity is 95%.
♦ Try not to impact testing result by exhaled CO2.
♦ If liquid flows into the electrode, it will destroy the sensor completely. Try not to use the sensor under condition which is full of dust.
♦ CO2 is heavier than air so that it will sink to bottom of bottle. Use container as small as possible when doing experiment because it will be easier to collect CO2.
♦ Reserve the electrode in a place without CO2 due to the working principle of electrode. When it is placed inside room, it can be stored by 2 years.
♦ The CO2 Sensor is an infrared gas absorption detector named infrared CO2 Sensor. It has good selectivity, high sensitivity, no oxygen dependence, long life, low power consumption without preheating by comparing with the chemical sensor.